Tagged baseworld


Fun and Games and War

War! Good God ya’ll, what is it good for? Profits. Domestic political control. Distraction. Artificial scarcity in the oil market. Shaping a New World Order. Many reasons, really. It just depends on your perspective and goals. Rebuilding America’s Defenses, by the Project for a New American Century, lays it all out in easy-to-read type. But…


Harboring Doubts

Blowback. When an action, policy or strategy causes unintended, unforeseen and unwelcomed consequences. Chalmers Johnson, historian and policy analyst extraordinaire, literally wrote the book on it. Titled “Blowback, Johnson writes convincingly about the consequences of our de facto, world-spanning empire, our history of covert fun and games and the hatred, resentment and complications those hijinx…