Tagged blackwater


When Christians Attack!

Blackwater, Blackwater…finally, the media is forced to pay attention to Blackwater. If you are curious, Google it…look at Jeremy Scahill’s great book. Blackwater is a private army of mercenaries who are making serious bank off of Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia (protecting the Bushes’ royal buddies) and everywhere else the USofA is up to hijinx. In 1991-2, then Sec’y…


Taking out a Contract, Occupation-Style

America loves the Mafia. Loves it. The Godfather tops many people’s favorite movie list. The Sopranos are, well, the Soparanos…a prime example of America’s pop culture love affair with the brutal world of “it’s just business.” A world where life and death are traded like junk bonds. Since the 1930’s, American cinema has been riddled…