Tagged media failure


A Few Things that Piss Me Off

News is often debate masquerading as information. Debate is not, in and of itself, information. Although some prefer information and facts, we have been treated to an ever-increasing diet of blathering on, posturing around and obfuscating of the story of the day. A document is revealed, two sides debate its contents. It pisses me off….


Media Cries Wolf

“Fool me once…shame…shame on…you. A fool me can’t be fooled again.” -President George W. Bush Our media. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Now that they are starting to do their job they’re gripped by the impetus to whitewash their complicity in all that’s happened since that fateful election night in 2000. Plamegate’s exploding…


Star Grazing

To see or to be seen…that is the question. This city is, ostensibly, about running the most powerful nation in the world, doling out tax dollars and greasing the wheels of justice. The subtext, though, is celebrity. Fame and immortality, being known beyond your small circle and short life…these things compel us to do many…