This morning’s accusatory tweetstorm showed once again that Donald J. Trump quite literally cannot help himself … or the GOP he so desperately needs to hold the Senate in November.
Perhaps it’s because he identifies with Kavanaugh and that’s why he asserted that he has “no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed.” Or maybe he thinks he is rallying GOP Senators around a new line of attack going into the TBD hearings … that is, now that the Ed Whalen whack-a-theory has crashed and burned. Or maybe he thinks it will satisfy his base’s instincts … particularly since Evangelicals have been complaining that the White House is not doing enough to protect Kavanaugh.
Whatever it is he thought he was doing … the simple fact is that he just handed the Dems a huge gift for their #MeToo-driven Blue Wave effort in the midterms by inspiring an outpouring of women taking to Twitter to tell their stories under the hashtag #WhyIDidntReport. It’s a stirring response that’s likely to stir up even more enthusiasm among an already stoked phalanx of voters.
At this point the only question is, as conservative commentator A.B. Stoddard asked this morning in a new piece on RealClearPolitics, “How many women does the GOP want to lose?”
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