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Facebook Is Totally Zuck’d

Mark Zuckerberg said he’s sorry. Mark Zuckerberg expressed a willingness to testify before Congress. Mark Zuckerberg said he wants to earn back your trust. And Mark Zuckerberg posted his strategy for earning back that trust on … of course … Facebook. This is all fine and dandy, but this is also just Zuck telling us that the…


Congress Reaches For A Bump Stock Fig Leaf

Congress’ forthcoming “bump stock” bill is the perfect political fig-leaf. Cracking-down on a simple device that turns deadly weapons even deadlier is an ideal political solve for lawmakers who desperately need to be seen taking some sort of action. Republicans in particular can embrace this ultimately meaningless move under the guise of actually “doing something”…


Trump’s Categorical Impairment

Immanuel Kant was a brilliant 18th Century philosopher. His categorical imperative still stands out as an unparalleled, widely applicable framework for engaging in ethical human relationships. Basically, the idea is that one should never regard a fellow human being as a mere means to an end, but always as an end unto themselves. Sadly, America…