Tagged Invasion of Iraq


Blowing Out the Surge Protector

The Surge. It sounds so sexy. So overwhelming. So forceful. But, for an administration that ignored General Shinseki’s admonitions about troop requirements, it’s hard to figure what they figure will happen when they surge up to 50,000 troops into a war-torn, incessantly-bombed and now-failed state like Iraq. Or is it? Perhaps there is a logical answer…


Those Darn Iraqis

C’mon guys…can’t you get it together? Can’t you just get along? You know what’s causing all that strife in our country? What’s making Americans so despondent? What’s causing American men and women death, dismemberment and psychological scars? What’s caused the Liberator-in-Chief to trot out Daddy’s Damage Control Team (guys who cut their teeth on Iran-Contra)…