The Age of Impunity: JP Sottile on The Ochelli Effect, 03.05.19

On this episode of the Ochelli Effect, JP talks with Chuck about Trump’s strange appearance at CPAC, his transformation of Old Glory into Old Glory Hole and how that strange molestation typifies what JP calls “The Age of Impunity.”

That impunity has deep roots that trace back to the American colonies and it is manifested in the backlash against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) which is in many ways a culmination of America’s foundational denialism.

Listen HERE:

Newsvandal on Ochelli Effect (03.05.19)

Listen HERE to the full two-hour Ochelli Effect. The first hour features a great discussion of the Vietnam War by Mike Swanson of Wall Street Window.

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'The Age of Impunity: JP Sottile on The Ochelli Effect, 03.05.19' has 1 comment

  1. March 6, 2019 @ 3:40 pm Georgia Ann Brown

    ZPAC (ZIONISM Political ACTION ) … IT was a love fest for Zionism. One doesn’t have to be a Jew to be a ZIONIST … There are multi-millions of CHRISTIAN Zionist. They are spending their money to help build back the TEMPLE hahahahaha

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