Tagged Depleted Uranium


American Empire: A Glass House Built By Stone Throwers

Hypocrisy. It is the mother’s milk of imperialism. Whether it is in the service of “civilizing” barbarians, converting “heathens,” or, in its most recent incarnation, extending the reach of “democracy,” the bottom line of imperialism has always been the bottom line. The bottom line of the infamous “White Man’s Burden” borne by the once-ubiquitous British…


D.U., D.C. and Me

Two times. Two damn times I’ve tried living here in the “greater” DC area. Both times? Smacked. Smacked hard. Smacked down…and I’m not even part of the World Wrestling Federation! And no, you don’t want me to put you into the “Camel Clutch.” Or do you? It’s hard to fully describe my feelings about this…