Tagged haditha massacre


Critical Massacre

Inexplicable. Horrifying. Tragic. Shocking and senseless. The massacre at Virginia Tech inspires language of disbelief, fear and indignation. The media, politicians and pundits offer ponderous meanderings through a maze of confusion built by one gunman in a moment of vindictive violence. Once a name and a face, along with a thought-provoking package sent to NBC,…


Dead Again: The Zarqawi Effect

Al-Zarqawi is dead. Again. That’s right. This is the second time he’s been reported dead. This time we have a Polaroid of his peaceful-looking face after an airstike apparently killed the visage of Al-Qaeda’s franchise in our imperial outpost. This time we have officials pushing the story. This time. Last time, it was just news…



This just in…we might actually care about Iraqi deaths. Might. It’s been some time since Lancet, the British medical journal, determined that over 100,000 Iraqis were killed in the invasion and immediate aftermath of our pre-emptive strike against the non-threat known as Iraq. It’s been some time since the massacre at Fallujah, where we employed…