Tagged whore of babylon



There are plenty of reasons to feel alone here in the WoB. A lone crusader feeling, the “I know things they don’t know, or don’t want to know” feeling, the “country’s problems are so big and I’m so small” feeling, the “so what if I didn’t go to an Ivy League school or join a…


Babble-on Blues

What’s wrong with DC? Beautiful vistas and stark white monuments, political possibilities and personal ambition, tourists and interlopers…DC is unique. It’s a great place to make some money and to meet educated, interesting and committed people. And it’s a short jaunt from NYC. So, why does it rub me the wrong way? Why did I…


Dude, What the Hell are You Doing?

I’m back. Technically, it’s the Second Coming. I first came to DC–the Whore of Babylon, or WoB–back in September of 1999. It was the Fall before the fall. Dreams, idealism, ambition…propelled by the love of a good woman and the desire to make a difference…I had it all. The Lord giveth, the Whore taketh away….