Tagged abu ghraib



Perhaps it slipped by. It is understandable, I guess…amid the awful economic news and housing crisis. Maybe you heard that there is now a company called “Just Walk Away” that helps an ever-growing number of people, for a small fee, simply leave their homes and bloated mortgages behind. That’s it. They just sign the house…


Dead Again: The Zarqawi Effect

Al-Zarqawi is dead. Again. That’s right. This is the second time he’s been reported dead. This time we have a Polaroid of his peaceful-looking face after an airstike apparently killed the visage of Al-Qaeda’s franchise in our imperial outpost. This time we have officials pushing the story. This time. Last time, it was just news…


Judging Nuremberg, Judging Ourselves

The Nuremberg Trials closed the book. A book of horrors, a book of torture and killing and genocidal zealotry. A fitting end to those who set in motion the death of 40 million people. The end of World War II. Filmmaker Steve Palackdharry has made a poignant and strangely trenchant documentary, Journey to Justice, about the story…