Tagged bush cia


Thanks for the Memories…or Not.

Our President…and yes, he’s “ours”…was asked today about the Israeli bombing of a suspected nuclear power plant being built in Syria a couple weeks ago. Now, let’s put aside the strange pass Israel gets from us and the rest of the world to simply fly over a sovereign nation and bomb away at anything they…


A Greenfield of Manure Covering President Ford

“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over” -President Gerald Ford Pardon me? The nightmare is over? What a statesmen he was, the ever-stumbling “Yes Man” from Michigan. In death, Ford has…according to the countless media-hacked paeans and odes…become President Everyman. A “sound man” who came into the Oval Office during a constitutional crisis…


Robert Gates and the Covert Vampires

We can’t stop them. Sure, they retreat to corporate coffins when exposed to a little sunlight, but they rise again once darkness falls. They are the Covert Vampires, the undead bloodsuckers who, it seems, find ways to keep feeding on the lifeblood of our increasingly tenuous democracy. The names are strangely familiar, even if their…