Tagged cnn news


CNN Scoops The Poop (Ship)

Let’s hope that Ted Turner wasn’t watching his baby on Valentine’s Day. If he was, there is a good chance he had his heart broken. Why? Because February 14th, 2012 was the day CNN, the once-venerable and omnipresent newsgathering machine, officially kicked off the Jeff Zucker Era by dropping its anchors in the salty brine…


Wolf Gets Blitzered

Wolf Goddamn Blitzer. One annoying hack, added liberally to a stew of almost-news on CNN, CNN–the network that brought you an exclusive interview between Larry King of Starf*cking and Paris Hilton and, in turn, gave your the “Breaking News” headline “Paris is Now Boring.” I swear. I saw it. Or yesterday…on the whatever-his-name-is Pro Wrestler…