Tagged Jared Kushner


Does The Data Point To Flynn?

The newscycle is spinning on the Washington Post’s new story about the Obama Administration’s response to Russia’s cyberattack. It’s fairly detailed, it claims that the CIA got smokin’ hot intel directly linking Putin to election interference and it’s been expertly parsed by the indefatigable Marcy Wheeler of Emptywheel. As ever, it seems to leave as…


Can Mueller Drain The Swamp?

When the news first broke I immediately expressed some trepidation about the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel. It’s not that I don’t get it … he’s an FBI stalwart, a friend of Comey and, the understandable logic goes, he will defend the Bureau’s integrity and derail a threat to American democracy. But I…


A Tale Of Two Futures

While Trump was ensconced in a tortuous, monarchical and wholly anachronistic ceremony celebrating a $100 billion arms deal with the royal retinue of Saudi Arabia … the Iranian people were celebrating the victory of a man targeted for defeat by the hardline, anachronistic forces within Iran. This juxtaposition says everything you need to know about…