Tagged katrina disaster


Let’s Get a Few Things Straight

Today’s America is a confusing America. The world is even more confusing. It’s hard to know what’s acceptable in our Imperial State and our world-spanning empire. It’s not acceptable to write a letter to a local newspaper’s editorial page calling for the end of the Bush Administration. A Veteran’s Administration nurse did that. After dealing with…


Spinning Outta Control

It was the perfect photo op. W, fresh off a month in Crawford ignoring Cindy and declining poll numbers, flew over the ravages of nature and suffering of his fellow Americans. But he was one simple descent from the clouds, a purposeful walk down the stairs from Air Force One and a helmeted helicopter ride…


Race to the Top

Segregation ended in the 1960s…NOT! Katrina washed away years and years well-constructed illusions that, since those heady days of the Civil Rights Movement, racism has become a quaint, provincial part of our collective past. Despite the significant progress we’ve made…let’s face it…if those people stranded in New Orleans were in a wealthy, white Republican city…


Antibodies of Water

It’s natural. It’s natural for us to mourn the loss of a once-great city like New Orleans. To sympathize with the tens of thousands of people who’ve lost everything, some even their lives. It’s natural for Evangelicals to interpret this as God’s retribution for the Crescent City’s “Sodom and Gommorah” ways. And hurricanes are natural….