Tagged war crimes


Ted Cruz Weaponizes History

Senator Ted Cruz has some peculiar ideas about history. And the newly-elected Tea Party darling from Texas didn’t bother to mince his words or ideas during confirmation hearings for former Senator and GOP gadfly Chuck Hagel. Although, he did mince Hagel’s words. But that was all to emphasize what Ted obviously regarded as a teachable…


Those Darn Iraqis

C’mon guys…can’t you get it together? Can’t you just get along? You know what’s causing all that strife in our country? What’s making Americans so despondent? What’s causing American men and women death, dismemberment and psychological scars? What’s caused the Liberator-in-Chief to trot out Daddy’s Damage Control Team (guys who cut their teeth on Iran-Contra)…



This just in…we might actually care about Iraqi deaths. Might. It’s been some time since Lancet, the British medical journal, determined that over 100,000 Iraqis were killed in the invasion and immediate aftermath of our pre-emptive strike against the non-threat known as Iraq. It’s been some time since the massacre at Fallujah, where we employed…