Chris Matthews is a servant of the power elite who willingly trades in establishment tripe to enrich and aggrandize himself. He shills, loudly and all-too-predictably, about the mechanisms of power while profiting from its output.
And his shrill shill is propped up by an ever-more callow culture of celebrity that typifies contemporary politics and journalism.
His latest shill job is a book titled “Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero.” He married its release to the anniversary of JFK’s murder and made certain that he not only profited from that unholy marriage, but he also used it to burnish his credentials as a latter-day PR man for the Warren Commission.
There is a great deal of media job security in propping up that fiction…which is an important fact that historian and JFK researcher James DiEugenio points out in his carefully constructed and painstakingly researched counterpoint to Matthews’ flaccid paean to his own self-interest.
In a piece titled “Why Mr. Hardball Found JFK Elusive,” DiEugenio writes: “Clearly, the fast-talking and opinionated TV host did not master the latest scholarship about Kennedy’s views and actions on a variety of topics, from the Bay of Pigs to Vietnam.”
Although not nearly to the extent of Mr. DiEugenio, I have also spent many hours on JFK, his post-Missile Crisis transformation, his murder and have formulated an operating “theory” that he was the “Last President.”
No president since JFK has operated independently from the Military-Industrial Complex and the National Security superstructure that controls the US. JFK not only operated independently, but he began to challenge that superstructure. His murder was, in fact, a coup d’état.
Nixon tried a bit. Carter thought about it. But they were clamped down…immediately.
DiEugenio does a great job with those themes and with the callow self-interest of Matthews, who, like clockwork, takes time each Nov 22nd to cling to the paper-thin fiction that Oswald was the lone gunman.
His service to power has made him very wealthy.
-the newsvandal
'Chris Matthews is a Callow Shill' have 5 comments
January 6, 2012 @ 7:09 pm Parks McCants
Once again… A well written, thought provoking short by a very under-rated contributor.
Spread the word. well worth the read.
Parks McCants. Examiner.Com / MSMBC Newsvine.
March 4, 2013 @ 3:32 pm This Week in Hypocrisy with George Stephanopoulos : Newsvandal
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March 4, 2013 @ 4:33 pm The Week in Hypocrisy with George Stephanpoulos - LA Progressive
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March 5, 2013 @ 8:40 am This Week in Hypocrisy With George Stehpanopoulos » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
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[…] to power, some are doors to influence and profit, and some are simply portals of opportunity for party animals who desperately want to remain inside the […]