Read My Mind

Only two tickets to get into the Funhouse.


Only the Lonely

When you grow up as an only child, and a bizarrely precocious one at that, you have to come up ways to get feedback…to interact…to make friends. And if the homefront is a bit stormy, with little input or much in the way of role models, the ante is upped. You gotta look somewhere. Or…



No cynicism. No clever phrases or jokes. No soul searching, or pondering my personal depths. I just want to take a minute to note that last night I saw…hopefully we all saw…a moment that I never believed would come. Although the lovely and brilliant Michelle Obama had to backtrack on her “I am proud of…


Alpha Male, Omega Man

Chuck is dead. Chuck was a demi-god. A seer, a force and a prophet. This is a proposal for a broadcast doco for AMC or TCM on Chuck that never quite made it to production. I post it today in memoriam of The Chuck. CHARLTON HESTON: ALPHA MALE, OMEGA MAN © JP Sottile 10.11.2002 From…


Name Dropping

I’ve always been a credit watcher. Being a thoroughgoing child of TV and long-standing information hoarder, the credits at the end of the show presented an excellent opportunity to absorb and be absorbed. Sometimes, it was just because I liked the closing theme song. Remember when theme songs meant something? Well-written, catchy signature tunes that…

The One

She’s “the one.” Has been. Always will be. Much maligned over the years, she always accepts me. Not in spite of my faults, but because of ’em. The Whore of Babylon. The city personified as a woman full of Biblical wrath. Washington, D.C. I have been there nearly two out of the last four months….