DEBUT: Today’s RUNDOWN features a brand-new, mobile-friendly re-design by the UX design master Leah King. This new format is easier to read on mobile devices and integrates a recent update to hyperlinking that should provide a smoother experience and make the RUNDOWN far more accessible and infinitely more “shareable.” CLICK HERE to see the “New”…


Congress Reaches For A Bump Stock Fig Leaf

Congress’ forthcoming “bump stock” bill is the perfect political fig-leaf. Cracking-down on a simple device that turns deadly weapons even deadlier is an ideal political solve for lawmakers who desperately need to be seen taking some sort of action. Republicans in particular can embrace this ultimately meaningless move under the guise of actually “doing something”…


Robert Jeffress Intercepts God Message

Hey, Dr. Robert Jeffress … I saw that you went on that tower of intellectual power known as Fox & Friends to opine about the NFL protest kerfuffle. As one of  Donald “I Don’t Need God’s Forgiveness” Trump’s most devoted Evangelical enthusiasts, you offered your considered theological assessment of the Black Americans who are using their First…

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