Tagged false flag


Harboring Doubts

Blowback. When an action, policy or strategy causes unintended, unforeseen and unwelcomed consequences. Chalmers Johnson, historian and policy analyst extraordinaire, literally wrote the book on it. Titled “Blowback, Johnson writes convincingly about the consequences of our de facto, world-spanning empire, our history of covert fun and games and the hatred, resentment and complications those hijinx…


Why the GWOT is so WoB…

DC, a.k.a. the Whore of Babylon(WoB), is a city of acronyms. POTUS, SCOTUS, CIA, FBI, DOJ…and the Pentagon is a sea of acronyms. GWOT is the acronym du jour. Global War on Terror. Not on “Terrorism.” Although I find “Terror” to be too open ended, it does serve the POTUS (President of the United States)…


Bush, Osama and a bit more on timing

From the Herald Sun: (An Australian paper) Domestic spying necessary: Bush From correspondents in Washington 26jan06 US President George W. Bush said today that a controversial domestic spying program that some critics say is illegal was necessary in light of new threats on an audiotape from Osama bin Laden. “I’ll continue to reauthorise this program…


With Enemies Like This…

Guess what? Iran got plans for nuclear weapons from….the CIA! Yup! I’m not making this up. We handed over those plans in a “botched” intelligence operation. Isn’t that funny?! It reminds me of the time Donald Rumsfeld was on the board of a company that sold uranium to North Korea. Back in 1999, that was….